APRE - Agency for the Promotion of European Research
APRE (Agency of the Promotion of European Research) is a private, non-profit research organisation supported by more than 100 members representing universities, private and public research organizations, as well as the industrial and financial sectors. Its main objective is to promote and support the Italian participation in the Research and Development Programmes funded by the European ommission. APRE is headquartered in Rome, and Help Desks can be found in nearly every region in Italy.
Objectives & Activities (Mission)
APRE was founded in 1989, and it works in close collaboration with the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR), supporting and assisting its member organizations, as well as government bodies, private entities and individuals, by providing information on programmes and initiatives, both European and international, in the fields of research, development and technological innovation.
By providing information, assistance, and training, APRE actively promotes the FP7, supporting stakeholders willing to take part in projects and in international cooperation initiatives in Italy. APRE is the main outlet for information regarding the Framework Programmes and their specific initiatives, such as the scheduling of calls for proposals and the procedures for participation.
APRE services are offered using the following channels:
- Mailing list
- Info days
- Publications
- Face to face meetings
Training raining
APRE's training activities are another of its institutional objectives and play an important role. A clear structuring of complex research and development projects is essential to obtaining European funding and managing the projects effectively.