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The University of South Pacific (USP) in 1968. USP is the second example in the world of regional university. Indeed, it is jointly owned by twelve governments.

The USP is governed by its own Council which includes representatives of all member states. It is part of the CROP agencies (see below).The main campus is located in Fiji, while Vanuatu and Samoa host two other secondary campuses and each member country has a USP centre. In addition, there are specialist units and programmes such as the Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development, the Marine Studies Programme, the Population and the Tourism Studies Programme. It provides all level education and training to enhance regional capacity in a wide range of disciplines. It is a multi-modal teaching and learning institution providing innovative and, cost-effective, education and training with both on-campus teaching and distance and flexible teaching and learning, facilitated by print materials and a satellite telecommunications system, the USPNet.


  • over 20 000 students registered


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