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ACIAR Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
ACP Asian, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States
ADB Asian Development Bank 
ANU Australian National University 
AusAID Australian Agency for International Development
CEDAW Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
CIRAD Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement
CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
CNRT Centre National de Recherche Technologique
COP Centre Océanologique du Pacifique
CRIOBE Centre de Recherches Insulaires et Observatoire de l’Environnement
CRISP Coral Reef Initiatives for the Pacific
CROP Council of Regional Organisations in the Pacific
EC European Commission
EDF European Development Fund
EU European Union
FDI Foreign Direct Investment 
FEAST Forum for European-Australian Science and Technology cooperation 
FFA Forum Fisheries Agency
FP7 Framework Programme for research and technological development
FSM Federated States of Micronesia
GEF Global Environment Facility
GOPS Grand Observatoire de l’environnement et de la biodiversité terrestre et marine du Pacifique Sud
IAC Institut Agronomique Néo-Calédonien
ICCAI Climate Change Adaptation Initiative
ICPD The International Conference on Population and Development
ICRI International Coral Reef Initiative
ICSU International Council for Science
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IDRF International Development Research Fund
IFRECOR Initiative Française pour les Récifs Coralliens
IFREMER Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer
IGO Inter-Governmental Organisation
ILM Institut Louis Malardé
ILO International Labour Organization
INCO Instruments for Cooperation
IP Institut Pasteur
IPIN Institut Pasteur International Network
IPNC Institut Pasteur de Nouvelle-Calédonie
IRD Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
LDCs Least Developed Countries
LRD Land Resources Division
MCC Millennium Challenge Corporation
MCO Multi Country Office
MDGs Millennium Development Goals
MSI Ministry of Science and Innovation
NARI National Agricultural Research Institute
NCP National Contact Point
NGO Non Governmental Organisation
NZAID New Zealand Agency for Development 8
ODA Official Development Assistance
OCTs Overseas countries and territories
ODN Oceanic Development Network
PACE-Net Pacific Europe Network for Science and Technology
PCCSP Pacific Climate Change Science Programme
PGNIMR Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research
PHD Public Health Division
PICs Pacific Island Countries
PICTs Pacific island countries and territories
PIDP Pacific Islands Development Programme
PIFS Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
POLHN Pacific Open Learning Health Net
R&D Research and Development
RIP Regional Indicative Programme
RTD Research and Technology Development
S&T Science and Technology
SICAs Specific International Cooperation Actions
SIDS Small Island Developing States
SHOM Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine
Small and Medium Enterprises
SOPAC South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission
SPBEA South Pacific Board for Educational Assessment
SPC Secretariat of the Pacific Community
SPREP South Pacific Regional Environment Programme
Social Resources Division
United Nations
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
Université de la Nouvelle-Calédonie
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund
UNIFEM United Nations Development Fund for Women
Université de la Polynésie Française
UPNG University of Papua New Guinea
USAID United States Agency for International Development
USP University of the South Pacific
WCPFC Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
WHO World Health Organisation
Work Package
WPRO Western Pacific Regional Office
WSSD World Summit on Sustainable Development
Zone Economique de Nouvelle-Calédonie



The following explanations are provided for clarity and easy-reference and have no legal authority.



Associated countries

Non-EU countries which are party to an international agreement with the Community, under the terms or on the basis of which it makes a financial contribution to all or part of the Seventh Framework Programme. In the context of proposal consortia, organizations from these countries are treated on the same footing as those in the EU. The list of associated countries is given in the body of this guide.





Call for proposals (or "call")

An announcement, usually in the Official Journal, inviting proposals for research activities in a certain theme. Full information on the call can be found on


Researchers or research organisations with complementary skills, who share resources and responsibilities to jointly plan, implement and evaluate research work to achieve common goals.


Most funding schemes require proposals from a number of participants (usually at least three) who agree to work together in a consortium.


Individuals or organisations that associate to facilitate research by providing funds, equipment purchasing, etc.


The coordinator leads and represents the applicants. He or she acts as the point of contact with the Commission.




A deliverable represents a verifiable output of the project. Normally, each workpackage will produce one or more deliverables during its lifetime. Deliverables are often written reports but can also take another form, for example the completion of a prototype etc.


Agencies which finance your organisation to undertake S&T research.



Ethical issues

Research activities supported by the Framework Programme should respect fundamental ethical principles.



Funding scheme

The mechanisms for the Community funding of research projects. The funding schemes have different objectives, and are implemented through grant agreements.



Grant Agreement (GA)

The legal instrument that provides for Commission funding of successful proposals.





Information Days

Open events organised by the Commission to explain the characteristics of specific calls, and often as well, a chance for potential applicants to meet and discuss proposal ideas and collaborations.

Inter-governmental organisation 

Organisation composed of at least three sovereign states, bound by a formal agreement to carry out activities of common interest.

International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC)

Organisations from these countries can participate and receive funding in FP7, providing that certain minimum conditions are met. 



Joint Research Centre (JRC)

The Commission’s own research institutes.






Control points where decisions are needed with regard to the next stage of the project.



National Contact Points (NCP)

Official representatives nominated by the national authorities to provide tailored information and advice on each theme of FP7, in the national language(s).

Non-governmental organisation: an organisation representing members of civil society involved with specific activities for local, national, regional or international action e.g. the World Wildlife Federation (WWF).


A legal entity is qualified as "non-profit" when considered as such by national or international law.




The members of a consortium in a proposal or project. These are legal entities, and have rights and obligations with regard to the Community.


A description of the planned research activities, information on who will carry them out, how much they will cost, and how much funding is requested

Public body

Public body means any legal entity established as such by national law, and international organisations.




Any applied and basic study involving natural and social sciences that is performed methodically and with scientific rigour to gather and analyse a body of information or data in order to prove a hypothesis or answer a specific question in order to extract new meaning or develop unique solutions.

Research organisation

A legal entity established as a non-profit organisation which carries out research or technological 



Small and medium enterprises (SME) 

Commercial companies whose headcount falls below 50 employees.



Work Package

A work package is a major sub-division of the proposed project with a verifiable end-point – normally a deliverable or a milestone in the overall project.