RIIP-Info : Call for proposals - Institut Pasteur International Network Regional and International Courses 2013
A call for proposals to organize regional and international courses or workshops and conferences on 2013 in the Institut Pasteur International Network is launched by the Institut Pasteur International Division.
You will find all information on this call for proposals, as well as the form to be downloaded, on the website: http://www.pasteur-international.org/ip/easysite/pasteur-international-en/for-scientists/pages/call-for-proposals-courses-2013
The proposals should be e-mailed before May 31, 2012.
The submission of proposals in English is encouraged to give a larger choice for the external reviewers.
Funding of scientific and technical staff from the RIIP should be included in the original application form.
Contacts: Eliane Coëffier et Antoine Talarmin (enseignement-international@pasteur.fr)