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The Consortium Committee (CC) consists of one representative per partner, the coordinator being the chairman of the Committee and the European Project Manager . The CCis responsible for The political and strategic orientation of the project. It makes sure that the strategy adopted for the Project is preserved. The CC can consult the External Advisory Board.

Meetings of the CC will be held at the beginning of the project and at least once a year. Decisions will be made by finding a consensus. If this is not possible, decisions will be based on majority vote. Each member of the CC has one vote for decision making.

The CC is in particular in charge of:

  • Deciding the political and strategic orientation of the project
  • Controlling the execution of the project with regards to the project road map and monitor corrective actions, including the review of the deliverables
  • Endorsing the Consortium's budget and the financial allocation of the EC contribution between the various activities on the one hand, and between the various contractors on the other hand, with an annual validation of the realised expenditure in accordance with the budget
  • Contractual changes including technical roadmaps, measures towards defaulting partners, changes in the consortium agreement
  • Approving all reports and deliverables required in the frame of the Grant agreement
  • Arbitrating on deadlock situations occurring within WP
  • The Consortium Committee will take all the final decisions during the project, on the basis of the information provided by the Coordinator, Work package Leaders and the EC.