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PACE-Net Newsletter n°4

Dear partners and stakeholders,

We are pleased to send you herewith the fourth issue of the PACE-Net newsletter.
This last edition provides information on key events, noticeable articles, and calls for funding opportunities as well as newly added website links and documents concerning Research, development and innovation about international cooperation activities between Europe and the Pacific area.

In this issue, we would like to draw your attention on the results of the second PACE-NET key stakeholder conference, which was held in Brussels, from the 20th to the 23rd of March 2012. The conference was focused on key challenging research areas for the Pacific region, specifically Climate Change in relation to Water, Agriculture/Forestry, Natural Hazards, Fisheries, and Mid-Term Research, Development and Innovation Policies in the Pacific.

PACE-Net is continuing with its activities aimed at strengthening the bi-regional dialogue between Europe and the Pacific on the main challenges of our time. To this end, we are pleased to invite you to the next and last platform of the project, which will take place in Suva, Fiji from the 12th to the 15th March 2013. The preliminary programme of the conference will be announced soon on the PACE-Net website.

You are invited to contribute to our Newsletter by sending any information or documentation you would like to share. If it is relevant to the project stakeholders we will be pleased to publish it in one of our next issues.

As always, we hope you’ll find this issue informative and useful!
The PACE-Net coordination Team

Pace-net-Newsletter-4.pdf9.73 MB